
Posts Tagged ‘faith’

This couple not only humbles me every time I am around them, but they make me strive to love Jesus more. A little background on this couple…
When we moved here a little over a year ago my husband got to know this guy named Paul..I had no idea who he was, but my husband went to his house quite often for guys night. His wife was in Birmingham (hour in a half) from where we live, with their son, Greyson. I will not go into much detail, but, he was born at 26 weeks, was 2 pds 4 ounces and 13 inches long and was diagnosed with prune belly syndrome. Brittni lived there, while Paul lived back here to work and provide. I never met this couple, just heard a lot about them. This past spring their sweet son went home with the Lord after a year in a half of life here on this earth. Let me tell you, you will never meet two people that handled a situation like this better than they did….
Scriptures they clung to were:
“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord…” 1 Sam. 1:27 and “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know this full well. Psalms 139:14”
So humbling to know they could read these scriptures with faith and trust in God. Having a child placed in your womb, then two short years later having to give him back to Jesus…these are circumstances that I can not fathom and do not and will never understand completely until I am in heaven with Jesus. I will have to say, I can not wait to meet Greyson!
It’s so easy to ask the question…why does something like this have to happen to two people that are SO SWEET and LOVE Jesus with all their heart…but, who am I to question the will of God?
I can’t help to think of the story of Joseph, when his brothers sold him to the slaves due to being jealous of him, but told their father that he had died….but in the end all Joseph could say to his brothers were these tender words…
“you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is not being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20
Who knows how many lives you have touched through your faithfulness and trust in God. We don’t understand the goodness that is being accomplished out of this, but God does…and I pray that others come to Christ through your faith in God.

You will see in one of the pictures the tattoo Paul has on his arm…the name of his son….

so sweet!!!
I thought it be funny to sit in the middle of all these crazy animals…I love their expressions. 🙂

and to end the night on this pic should make everyone smile.

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